Voice Changer Plus gets a whole new look for iOS 7

We've updated Voice Changer Plus for iOS 7, and the changes go more than skin deep. Now you can save and share your recordings for the first 5 voices for free!

There's a great new voice picker that lets you find your favourite voices more quickly. We've added support for Vimeo and Airdrop to the other sharing options: iMessage, eMail, Facebook and Twitter.

The iPad version gets simplified controls to make it easier to use than ever. It now applies one voice at a time, just like the phone version (but you can still apply multiple voice effects by using the Reload button on the list screen).

If you already bought the upgrade for Voice Changer Plus, you get the VIP pass for free.

The available VIP pass lets you save and share all the voices, removes the ads, and also adds the Ringtone making and Twitter features.

Have fun with the new Voice Changer Plus!


Note that the app store description for the upgrade is currently incorrect. It will be updated for the new version shortly.




DubYou now supports iPad too

As we hoped, iPad support was approved this week, and DubYou is now a universal app. Interest continues to grow, and as I write this DubYou is charting in 46 countries.  

If you are enjoying DubYou, please do consider leaving an iTunes review. It really helps!

Thanks for your support.
